‘Japaring’ from Nigeria (or anywhere else) is NOT the answer; the ‘CURSE’ is much thicker than ‘simple’ migration Dr. Alu fumed. She was consumed with fire and brimstone; her forehead wriggled with layers of frustration, all begging for attention and to be noticed. She was clearly incensed and made no effort to hide it. Panting […]
The US Second Amendment Should Be a Universal Right
The right of citizens to bear arms is usually debate material; unfortunately, the alternative(s) don’t look very pretty A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Second Amendment to the Consitution of the United States (source). With […]
5 Things I Wished I Had Known In 2016 When I First Created A Medium Account
I Iove looking back at things and seeing how I could have done better; this isn’t a variant of regret, rather, it’s more like ‘taking stock’ and preparing my mind for the future, in such a manner that the mistakes of the past aren’t repeated, going forward. This is what I recently decided to do […]
My New Year’s Resolution Is Not To Have Any Resolution(s)!
If all goes well and this post goes live when it ought to, it’ll be the New Year of 2024 (when you get the chance to read it). As it is customary, New Year Resolutions are common and will be made; great chances are that you’ve made some yourself already or are going to make […]